Why Religious Symbols? Accounting for an Unfashionable Approach

    Onderzoeksoutputpeer review


    In “Why Religious Symbols? Accounting for an Unfashionable Approach,” Petruschka Schaafsma poses a question concerning why Ricoeur chose to work with religious texts but did not bother to provide a solid methodological underpinning of this choice. As a result, it leaves open the question of whether religious symbols are essential to the work or whether they could be replaced by nonreligious symbols. Thus it leaves open the question of how we should understand the specific character of Ricoeur’s reflection on evil. Schaafsma argues that the religious character of the symbols discussed in 'The Symbolism of Evil' are indeed essential to the meaning of the work and cannot be excluded without changing the meaning of the work. She goes on to suggest that this turns out to have a fundamental significance not only for the argument itself but also for constructive applications of Ricoeur’s work today.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelA Companion to Ricoeur’s ‘The Symbolism of Evil’, etc.: Lexington Books 2020
    RedacteurenScott Davidson
    Plaats van productieLanham
    UitgeverijLexington Books
    Aantal pagina's86
    ISBN van elektronische versie978-1-4985-8715-0
    ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-4985-8714-3
    StatusPublished - 2020

    Publicatie series

    NaamStudies in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur
    UitgeverijLexington Books

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