When Psalms Talk Back: How the Appropriation History of Psalms Challenges Contemporary Ritual-Musical Appropriations

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This article discusses how, in contemporary Dutch and Flemish culture, the ritual-musical appro- priations of Psalms in extra-ecclesial settings are challenged by the longer history of appropriating Psalms. Analyses of qualitative empirical research show that this history appears to challenge con- temporary Psalm performances to address God, to perform Psalms collectively, and to contem- plate life through these Psalms. Contemporary Psalm performances, thus, both continue the history of appropriating Psalms and are critiqued by this history. Evaluating the research results, we conclude that current appropriations tend to wipe away the Psalms’ ambiguity concerning images of God, the relationship between individual and community, and between hope and despair.
Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)1-20
Aantal pagina's21
TijdschriftStudia Liturgica
StatusPublished - 15 sep. 2024

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