Religious identity commitments of emerging adults raised in strictly Reformed contexts in the Netherlands

Anne-Marije de Bruin-Wassinkmaat, Jos de Kock, Cok Bakker, M. Barnard

    Onderzoeksoutputpeer review

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    This qualitative study examines the religious identity commitments
    of 18 emerging adults who grew up in strictly Reformed contexts in
    the Netherlands. During in-depth narrative interviews with photo
    elicitation, the participants reflected on who they are and the
    meaning of religion to their identity. Our thematic data analysis
    reveals that the participants’ religious identity commitments are
    diverse and diffuse, although they all were religiously socialised in
    more or less the same way. It, therefore, is inadequate to label the
    participants as Christian or not and as strictly Reformed or not.
    Second, the analysis reveals four commitments to trusting God,
    self, rational belief and not knowing yet.
    Originele taal-2English
    Artikelnummervol 42, 2
    Pagina's (van-tot)149
    Aantal pagina's162
    TijdschriftJournal of Beliefs and Values
    StatusPublished - 2020

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