‘Is Hellas of is Israël het uitverkoren volk?’: Johannes Hermanus Gunning tussen neohumanisme en Jodendom

L. Mietus, Albert de Lange


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Gunning’s perception of contemporary Judaism was the result of the
influence of the Dutch ‘Réveil’, especially of Isaäc da Costa. During his
lifetime Gunning developed a rather consistent theology about ‘Israel’. He
was no supporter of mission under the Jews. In some writings he adopted
some popular ‘anti-Semitic’ ideas, but such notions were not decisive for
his theology. On the contrary, Gunnings Israel-theology has given a basic
impulse to the Jewish-Christian dialogue.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrage‘Is Hellas or is Israel the chosen people?’: Johannes Hermanus Gunning between Neo-Humanism and Judaism
Originele taal-2Dutch
Pagina's (van-tot)141-163
Aantal pagina's22
TijdschriftDNK Documentatieblad Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800
Nummer van het tijdschrift97
StatusPublished - 2022

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