Geestelijke vorming: Gesprekskaarten voor pastorale verdieping



The set of conversation cards 'Spiritual formation' is a new tool to get to the core of pastoral conversations. The set gives direction to a series of conversations that leads to deepening and enrichment of the spiritual life. It covers four areas of humanity: faith practices, spiritual character, moral character, and emotional well-being. In addition to 44 conversation cards, this set contains a manual with background information and practical tips for the spiritual director, and compact information for the pastor. The tool is a Dutch contextualisation of the method proposed in the book: Spiritual Formation in Local Faith Communities (2022, Wipf & Stock).

Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageSpiritual Formation: Cards for deepening pastoral conversations
Originele taal-2Dutch
ISBN van geprinte versie9789043541916
StatusPublished - 16 jan. 2025

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