De brochure 'Voor ons ons Jodendom en niet het Christendom' van opperrabbijn Justus Tal (1945)


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Immediately after the Second World War, the Dutch Chief Rabbi Justus Tal published a booklet in which he defended the Jewish exegesis of the Hebrew Bible and opposed the Protestant Christian interpretation of this holy book. His purpose was to prevent the conversion of Jews to Christianity. This contribution sketches the context in which the booklet appeared and confronts it briefly with some more recent tendencies in the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageThe Booklet Voor ons ons Jodendom en niet het Christendom (For us our Judaism and not Christianity) written by Chief Rabbi Justus Tal (1945)
Originele taal-2Dutch
Pagina's (van-tot)211-223
Aantal pagina's13
TijdschriftDNK Documentatieblad Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800
Nummer van het tijdschrift97
StatusPublished - 1 dec. 2022

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