Credibility of Churches’ Antiracism Engagement: A Study on Manifestations of the Entanglement of White Dutch Protestantism and Racism

K. van der Ham, Anthony Reddie, P.B. Smit, M.C.M. Klomp

Onderzoeksoutputpeer review

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This article aims to explore how the entanglement of Protestant Christianity and race and racism is manifested in contemporary Dutch society, and to identify which themes for introspection this yields for majority white Dutch Protestant churches. We argue that introspection on perceived superiority of white Dutch Protestantism is crucial to uncover subtle, unconscious mechanisms and ideas that are present in majority white Dutch Protestant churches and that contribute to maintaining racism. Furthermore, we argue that contemporary topical issues such as racism and colonial history run the risk of being pushed to the margins again as long as there is no systematic review of power and privilege of white Dutch Protestantism.
Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)209-235
Aantal pagina's27
TijdschriftJournal of Religion in Europe
Nummer van het tijdschrift3
StatusPublished - 23 sep. 2024

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