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Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie
Senior teaching Qualification, VU
Datum van toekenning: 10 dec. 2020
- BM Judaism
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
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Parables and the Partings of the Ways
Teugels, L. (PI), Merz, A. B. (CoPI), Oegema, A. (CoI), Stoutjesdijk, M. (CoI), Ottenheijm, H. L. M. (PI) & Poorthuis, M. (CoPI)
Meeting Job in the Early Jewish Tradition: The Foreigner who Took Care of Foreigners
Teugels, L. M., Korpel, M. C. A. (Editor) & Sanders, P. (Editor), mei 2024, Meaningful Meetings with Foreigners in the World of the Bible. : Essays in Honour of Klaas Spronk on the Occasion of His Retirement. Sanders, P. & Korpel, M. (uitgave). Leuven: Peeters Publishers, Vol. CBET. blz. 195-207 12 blz. (CBET; vol. 119).Onderzoeksoutput › › peer review
Open AccessBestand11 Downloads (Pure) -
Psalm 23: A Moving, Versatile Poem
Teugels, L. M., Brenner-Idan, A. (Editor) & Lee, G. A. (Editor), 2024, Psalms: Texts @ Contexts . London: T&T Clark, blz. 47-51 5 blz. 8. (Texts and Contexts; vol. 9).Onderzoeksoutput ›
Review of: Joachim Yeshaya, Joden en moslims aan zet: Joods-islamitische ontmoetingen vroeger en nu (Kalmthout: Pelckmans, 2023).
Teugels, L. M., jan. 2024, In: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion. 78, 1, blz. 58-61 4 blz.Onderzoeksoutput › › peer review
Teugels, L. M., mei 2023, Encyclopedia of Jewish-Christian Relations Online (EJCR) . Homolka, W. (uitgave). Berlin: de GruyterOnderzoeksoutput › › peer review
Open AccessBestand35 Downloads (Pure) -
Circumcision and Jewish identity: case studies on ancient texts and their reception
Teugels, L. M. & Neutel, K., dec. 2023, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press. 284 blz. (Judaism in Context; vol. 33)Onderzoeksoutput ›
PhD Defence of Edward Skubisz, University of Amsterdam
Lieve Teugels (Examiner)
24 jan. 2024Activiteit
Academic accreditation/teaching visitation of other university
Lieve Teugels (Other)
31 jan. 2024Activiteit
The Jewish and Christian Reception of Timaeus' Demiurge Myth
Teugels, L. (Speaker)
19 jan. 2024Activiteit
Lecture by Azzan Yadin-Israel/Research Seminar Sources PThU
Lieve Teugels (Organiser)
17 jan. 2024Activiteit
Interview in Catalogue Van Abbe Museum about Yale Davids exhibition and workshop
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