Activiteiten per jaar
- 200 - 224 van 224 resultaten
The Slavery Metaphor as Powerful Thinking Tool: Slavery Parables in Early Christianity and Early Rabbinic Judaism
M. Stoutjesdijk (Speaker)
26 jun. 2019Activiteit
Biblical Argument in the Libellus fidei Ascribed to Julian of Aeclanum
P.J. (Peter) van Egmond (Speaker)
19 aug. 2019 → 24 aug. 2019Activiteit
Christ as Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption (1Cor. 1:30): Neglect and Appropriation of Pauline Theology in Ancient Christianity
Roukema, R. (Speaker)
19 aug. 2019 → 24 aug. 2019Activiteit
Judaism, Slavery and Transfer of Ritual: from Seder Meal to Keti Koti.
M. Stoutjesdijk (Speaker)
30 okt. 2018Activiteit
To Die or not to Die, that is the Question: the Usage and Meaning of blmt in the KTU Texts
ten Hoopen, R. B. (Speaker)
Slavernij in het vroege christendom: berusting of verzet?
M. Stoutjesdijk (Speaker)
3 mei 2017Activiteit
The Attitude towards Slavery in Rabbinic and Christian Parables.
M. Stoutjesdijk (Speaker)
7 aug. 2017Activiteit
De Alexandrijnse diaspora: Philo over nobelheid en slavernij.
M. Stoutjesdijk (Speaker) & Albertine Oegema (Speaker)
28 feb. 2017Activiteit
Een anti-kapitalistische lezing van de parabel van de talenten
M. Stoutjesdijk (Speaker)
10 mrt. 2017Activiteit
Between Parallelomania and Parallelophobia: The Methodology of Comparing Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Texts
R.B. (Robin) ten Hoopen (Speaker)
nov. 2016Activiteit
Fictional Women in Early Christian and Early Rabbinic Parable
M. Stoutjesdijk (Speaker), Albertine Oegema (Speaker) & Jonathan Pater (Speaker)
20 jul. 2016Activiteit
Marten Douwes Teenstra, from Natural Theology to Abolitionism
van Klinken, G. J. (Speaker)
31 dec. 2010Activiteit