Valideringsonderzoek Onderzoeksagenda Geestelijke Verzorging: Op weg naar een onderzoeksagenda voor het domein geestelijke verzorging 2021-2025. Onderzoek in opdracht van de Commissie Wetenschap van de VGVZ.

Translated title of the contribution: Validation Research Chaplaincy Research Agenda: On the road towards a research agenda for the chaplaincy domain 2021-2025. Research commissioned by the Scientific Board of the Association of Chaplains

A. Mulder, Carmen Schuhmann, M. Stoutjesdijk

    Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


    This report presents the results of a Delhi research aiming to determine relevance, urgency and priority of research subjects for a national research agenda 2021-2025. In a triple phase Delphi procedure with purposive sampling 23 chaplains responded to 13 research topics. There was a consensus about the top 3 topics: extramuralisation of chaplaincy; fundamental professional identity reflection; worldview diversity. No priority was awarded to disaster chaplaincy and to robotics.
    Translated title of the contributionValidation Research Chaplaincy Research Agenda: On the road towards a research agenda for the chaplaincy domain 2021-2025. Research commissioned by the Scientific Board of the Association of Chaplains
    Original languageDutch
    Place of PublicationUtrecht/Zwolle/Tilburg
    Commissioning bodyCommissie Wetenschap VGVZ Vereniging voor Geestelijke Verzorging
    Number of pages55
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Jan 2021


    • Chaplaincy
    • research agenda

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