Kenotic hospitality, disruption, and loving another: engaging hospitality theologies for migration dynamics

Amy Casteel, Néstor Medina, D. Nagy, Kaia Rønsdal

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapter Academicpeer-review

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When confronting popular notions that treat migration as a crisis, there is an impulse to offer a
theologically proper response. The discussion in this chapter centers on the question: which new
questions may arise upon a critical engagement with hospitality theologies when applied for
migration dynamics from the perspective of faithful connections? Four theologians each contrib-
ute to the discussion from their own area of experience and expertise. Amy Casteel, brings in the
perspective of pastoral work among refugee communities in the United States along with her
research focuses on lived religion among adolescents who have migrated to Europe. Néstor Me-
dina offered a view from his research in ethics and liberation and post/decolonial theological
debates, and experience as an immigrant himself in the North American context. From a missio-
logical perspective, Dorottya Nagy brought her insights out of her research and experience on
migration in/to Europe. Starting from decolonial theology, thinking about migration from the
standpoint of heterotopic spaces, Kaia Rønsdal offered a view on migration from borderlands,
particularly of Northern Europe. Throughout this chapter, quotations from the transcript of that
panel are identified with the name of the speaker in the text and noted as (panel 2021)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCrisis, fear and hope.
Subtitle of host publication an introduction into practical theological reflections
EditorsA. Casteel, A. Dillen, J. de Kock, A. Kummer
Place of Publication[Oslo]
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameInternational Academy of Practical Theology. Conference Series

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