‘For everyone born, a place at the table’: the encounter of eucharist and diaconia during a sanctuary in the Netherlands

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This paper elucidates the understanding of the bond between Liturgy and Diaconia. Liturgy and Diaconia are often considered two distinct practices in the daily life of the Church; one a set of rituals confined to the inner circle of Christians, the other a service to people in need, both in- and outside the Church. This contribution explores an encounter between the two by investigating experiences of Eucharist Celebrations during the Sanctuary in the Bethel Chapel, The Hague (Netherlands) in 2018/2019. The article briefly introduces the case of the Sanctuary, then describes and analyzes the results of interviews with pastors and finally formulate conclusions on the relation between Diaconia and Liturgy.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-185
Number of pages20
JournalEcclesial Practices
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 16 Dec 2022
EventBoekpresentatie Dat Wonderlijke Kerkasiel - Bethel Kapel, Den Haag, Netherlands
Duration: 30 Jan 2020 → …


  • Diaconia
  • Liturgy
  • Sanctuary
  • public theology
  • Eucharist
  • Migration

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