De classispredikant : pastor pastorum?

Wilbert van Iperen, H.P. de Roest

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In 2018 the minister of the so-called ‘classis’ (Dutch: classispredikant) was
introduced in the Protestant Church of the Netherlands. In the long process
that preceded this new function the question was (and still is) regularly
posed: is the classispredikant a pastor pastorum? We use the theory of
communicative action of Jürgen Habermas to analyze in what way the more
administrative authority of the classispredikant may have an impact on the
confidentiality between him and the pastors during his regular and specific
visits. In this article we conclude that the classispredikant is a pastor, but
not specifically a pastor pastorum. This is a consequence of his broader
task - also being a pastor for elders, deacons etc. of the congregation - and
of his administrative authority
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)133-148
Number of pages16
JournalKerk en Theologie
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • pastor pastorum, confidentiality, authority, classispredikant

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