Activities per year
- 4 results
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On Being Evangelical and African: Byang Kato, Tokunboh Adeyemo, and Tite Tiénou and the Contextualization Debate
van den Toren, B. (Member) & Bangura, J. (Member)
13 Dec 2024Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
The Omnipotence of God in Reformed Theology and its Relevance to Lepcha Tribal Context In Darjeeling/Kalimpong District and Sikkim (India)
B. van den Toren (Examiner)
27 Oct 2023Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Longing for Family: Experiences of Converts from a Muslim Background and Challenges Facing the British Christian Community as it Welcomes Them
B. van den Toren (Examiner)
21 Dec 2023Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Membership of PhD assessment committtee: Charismatic leadership, organizational dynamics and the growth of independent pentecostal churches in Lagos metropolis
B. (Benno) van den Toren (Member)
19 Nov 2020Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee