Activities per year
- 18 results
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Relational Factors in Leadership Practices in Nigerian Churches: A Case Study of The Redeemed Christian Church of God and The Nigerian Baptist Convention
Reitsma, B. J. G. (Examiner)
1 Sept 2024 → 30 Sept 2024Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
On Being Evangelical and African: Byang Kato, Tokunboh Adeyemo, and Tite Tiénou and the Contextualization Debate
van den Toren, B. (Member) & Bangura, J. (Member)
13 Dec 2024Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
“Sharing the Body of Christ Towards an Ecumenically Informed Reformed Theology of Ministry from a Missionary Perspective” by Rein den Hertog, VU.
Nagy, D. (Examiner)
19 Dec 2023Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
The Omnipotence of God in Reformed Theology and its Relevance to Lepcha Tribal Context In Darjeeling/Kalimpong District and Sikkim (India)
B. van den Toren (Examiner)
27 Oct 2023Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Longing for Family: Experiences of Converts from a Muslim Background and Challenges Facing the British Christian Community as it Welcomes Them
B. van den Toren (Examiner)
21 Dec 2023Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
“A praxis of shalom for social work and counselling: An integrative theology of encounter using world Christianity and migration theology as resource”- assessment of dissertation proposal at University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia
Nagy, D. (Examiner)
1 Aug 2023 → 30 Sept 2023Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
“Testing the Waters: Infant Baptism as a Case Study for Doing Reformed Theology Interculturally"
Nagy, D. (Chair)
24 Oct 2023Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Ministering in Church and World Towards an ecumenically informed Reformed theology of ministry from the perspective of the missio Dei
D. Nagy (Examiner)
2022Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Genocide Commemoration and Reconciliation in Rwanda: A Study from a Liturgical Ritual Perspective
D. Nagy (Examiner)
2022Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Regenerating the Garden of the World Ecological Conversion as Liberation
D. Nagy (Examiner)
10 Feb 2022Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
“From Here and There: Speaking about Religion with Adolescents with a Migration Experience to Europe
D. Nagy (Examiner)
2022Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
“Zien en gezien worden: Diaconale presentie en diaconale actie door drie interculturele kerken in de Tarwewijk op Rotterdam-Zuid”.
D. Nagy (Examiner)
2022Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
It Seems Good to Us and the Holy Spirit: Reformed Decision-Making and the Missional Challenge
M.M. Jansen (Examiner)
10 Nov 2022Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Community as Mission: The Church Mission Society, as Git and Call in an Individualised and Globalised World
D. (Dorottya) Nagy (Chair)
2021Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Finding one’s own way. Exploring the religious identity development of emerging adults raised in strictly Reformed contexts in the Netherlands
D. (Dorottya) Nagy (Chair)
3 Dec 2021Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Czech Mission: Identity of Czech Protestant Missionaries in Their Interaction with Slavs in Former Yugoslavia Countries’
D. (Dorottya) Nagy (Examiner)
10 Jun 2021 → 21 Dec 2021Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
To Participate in God's Mission: Looking for an ecclesial structure to be a witnessing church today
D. (Dorottya) Nagy (Examiner)
2021Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee
Cultivating a Missional Ecclesiology for the Local Baptist Church in Lebanon’
D. (Dorottya) Nagy (Examiner)
May 2020 → 2021Activity: Examination › Chair or member of PhD assessment committee