Institute for Ritual and Liturgical Studies

  • Postal addressShow on map

    PO Box 7161

    1007 MC Amsterdam


  • Visiting addressShow on map

    De Boelelaan 1105, Main building VU Amsterdam, Room 1E-64

    1081 HV Amsterdam


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

IRiLiS is a platform for innovative research in the field of ritual and liturgical studies. IRiLiS is increasingly involved in a worldwide network of institutes and researchers engaging in ritual and liturgical studies, and pursues initiatives for international cooperation.

The institute has a distinct multidisciplinary profile that follows from the conviction that ritual and liturgy are complex and interrelated research subjects. It offers high-quality, exploratory research that is contextual (anthropological and cultural, historical and contemporary) in character, and that is carried out in close connection with other (sub)disciplines.